So it’s the second day in our bootcamp and we were given a lesson as to write a topic on:

Something technical that you admire…

Well, this is quite a broad topic for me especially there being a lot of useful things one could admire in this ever growing world of electronics and computers. From, macbooks to premium mobile phones, powerbanks to smartwatches… every other producs aim to make our lives easier and crazy simple and these can also be used to manage our plans well.

Like any other person would get lost in this ever wanting world, and would thereby be unable to make a decision as to what’s his or her favourite gadget or technical product that he or she loves a lot and would therefore advise users like us to use the stuffs.

Though there are multiple things I would like to suggest everyone to buy and use it to make ones life even more simpler.

Here are the few of them:

  • Robo Vaccuum
  • Swiss Knife
  • GoPro
  • Kindle

The one thing I would like to elaborate more would be The Robo Vaccuum

The Robo Vaccuum: It is extrememly helpful to one who’s a pet lover or maybe someone who has a messy room. A robo Vaccuum could be of great use in their room as it would not bother anyone and do their own jobs, i.e., CLEANING!! the floor or the carpet area. Few of them have the ability to sense and make a map of the carpet area and then travel around and clean the floor out of any mess. These are pretty handy and small devices which don’t make much of a noise too and works on it’s own without having the user to intervener. Like these robots don’t fall from edges and hence you might do another work while it does it’s work or rather duty :P

There are many different companies that are selling Robo Vaccuum around the globe. Also these machines are fitted with wifi and therefore you have sudo access to these bots, as in you can control which room to configure first and what kind of cleaning is required or also you can stop the cleaning and it automatically arrives at it’s docking position, to get charged for the next round. Different Robo Vaccuums have different advantage and some of them like Bagotta BG800 has a remote control too in the unit which helps in even easing your task.


So unlike typical vaccuum cleaners where we had to hold them manually and also just had to rely on the vaccuums generated by the cleaners it has brushes too in it that catches hold of debris better than the manual ones.

One can always go look more about this here. It is the pdf manual for Bagotta BG800 and it’s use cases.

So with this I’d like to end my likings to Robo Vaccuum as also I’m too lazy to clean a messy place :P